Tuesday, 25 September 2012


By Joseph A. Michelli

The Starbucks Experience discusses the unique blend of “home-brewed” ingenuity and people-driven philosophies that are behind Starbucks’ success. Author Dr Joseph Michelli gained access to Starbucks personnel and resources and discovered that the company’s success is driven by those who work there – the “partners” – and the special experience they create for each and every customer.
Dr Michelli makes use of real-life insider stories, eye-opening anecdotes, and step-by-step strategies to condense Starbucks’ working philosophies into five key principles in order to enable readers to learn from the best – and be the best.

Senior management must find ways to get its partners to fully engage their passions and talents while ensuring that individual partners’ differences are blended into a good uniform customer experience.
It can be tough to find a balance between these two leadership responsibilities, but Starbucks has managed to do so through its principle of Make It Your Own. It has created a structure known as the “Five ways of being”, which is encapsulated in a pamphlet known as the Green Apron Book:

1.    Be welcoming
At Starbucks, “being welcoming” is an essential way to get the customer’s visit off to a positive start, and is also the foundation for producing a warm and comfortable environment. It lets partners forge bonds with customers.
“Being welcoming”, at its essence, is defined as “offering everyone a sense of belonging”. Partners should do all they can to create a place where people feel that they are a priority and where their day can be brightened, at least for a moment.
Welcoming people by name and remembering them from visit to visit is a small thing, but it counts very much. People fear just being another member of the herd; they want to have their uniqueness recognized.

2.    Be genuine
At Starbucks, being genuine means to “connect, discover, and respond”. Focusing on these three elements in each customer interaction forms a quality relationship:

Connect: Legendary service comes from a desire and effort to exceed what the customer expects. Customers have repeatedly shared experiences of Starbucks partners making a connection well beyond some formulaic greeting. Individual staff uniqueness gives them a special way to connect with others.
Discover:  Business success requires the discovery of each person’s needs and individual situation. Discovery is essential to developing a unique and genuine bond. The special qualities and needs of each customer must be determined.

Respond:  A lot of businesses do manage to achieve the first two elements, but they don’t always act on what they learn. Starbucks employees not only listen to their customers, but also take action immediately based on what they hear and learn from these experiences for future customer interactions.

3.   Be considerate
Starbucks partners look beyond their needs and consider the needs of others such as customers, potential customers, critics, co-workers, other shareholders, and even the environment. In sum, the entire universe of people and things Starbucks affects.
At the corporate level, “being considerate” means exploring the long-term well-being of partners and those individuals whose lives the partner’s touch – while being mindful of the earth’s ability to sustain the demands placed on it.
Thoughtfulness should become a part of a company’s culture. Leaders should place a priority on consideration and encourage their staff to put their own twist on the concept.

4.   Be knowledgeable
Starbucks partners are always encouraged to love what they do and share it with others. Partners are encouraged to enhance their expertise in coffee and customer service. Value is always added to partners’ efforts when they gain work-related knowledge. In addition, as they become more informed, their value to the business, self-confidence, and the impact they have on others all increase.
Starbucks upper management also offers formal training opportunities to develop their knowledge of coffee that can lead to personal insights for customers, and also give out incentives for partners to undertake such training.

5.   Be involved
This means nothing less than active participation in the store, in the company, and in the community – a “yes, I will” attitude where breakthrough products and service are created. There must be a move away from a “bare minimum is OK” mentality.
Partners look around the store for clues on how to make the customer experiences and the business better and to improve the manner in which customer needs are served.
The management makes it a point to listen and respond to the ideas and suggestions of partners – as a result, partners frequently take responsibility for suggesting and championing new product ideas based on the inputs from their customers.
Lastly, there is community involvement, which can take many forms – from creating a community meeting place to staff volunteering in community-related activities, all of which are encouraged and supported by Starbucks leadership.
All business is detail. When details are overlooked or missed, even the most patient customers can be frustrated and costly errors can occur. A small detail can sometimes make the difference between success and failure. Something as simple as a little 7-cent valve did more than its share towards making Starbucks a publicly traded company. Important details live in both that which is seen and that which is unseen by the customer. There is absolutely no way to hide poor quality in anything. Hide it though some may try, it always becomes evident in the end.
Store environment, product quality, training, the development of a playful culture (a playful and positive work environment produces vital and engaged staff members), and a social conscience all matter a great deal.
The “Starbucks sensation” is driven not just by the quality of its products, but by the entire atmosphere surrounding the purchase of its coffee, the openness of its store space, interesting menu boards, the shape of its counter, and other things besides.
The art of retailing coffee – and indeed many other things as well – goes way beyond product. The details of the total experience matter, from napkins to coffee bags, store-fronts to window seats.
Lastly, not only does everything matter; everyone matters as well.

            At Starbucks, it is critical to deliver consistent product and service to delight customers. But on top of consistent quality, Starbucks partners look for ways to surprise and engage consumers in a process of discovery. In an example of the importance of surprise, Starbucks gave out free cups of “Calm” tea on April 15 in anticipation that their customers would be frazzled by the tax deadline.
            In that vein, delight is the caramelized popcorn – the basic product customers get – while surprise is the prize they get! Customers want the predictable and the consistent, while hoping for an occasional positive twist or added value thrown in. Customer delight comes from surprise as well as predictability.

Embracing resistance involves a complex set of skills that can enable businesses and individuals to create business and relationship opportunities when confronted with irritation, skepticism, and/or wariness. This principle requires leaders to distinguish between customers who want their concerns to be resolved and those individuals who just can’t seem to stop complaining or seem to find it impossible to be satisfied. Embracing resistance is more than simply placating these groups; it focuses on learning from those individuals who don’t always make it easy to listen.
To work with resistance effectively, you must distinguish between those people who really do want their concerns resolved and those who simply want to complain.
For some concerns, listening is all that is required. It offers space for commentary and constructive discussion.
For other types of resistance, direct action is required; management should know when listening is simply not enough.

            This is particularly significant in the world of business, where managers’ actions have profound effects on individuals and societies. Some leaders are content with hitting the firm’s product goals and cut corners on everything from employee benefits to capital expenses. Others believe that an important part of their business success is linked to the powerful and positive impact they have on their communities.
Successful leaders realize that a key component of their success is leaving a powerful and positive mark in the communities in which their businesses operate.
People want to do business with and work for companies that are socially conscientious. In addition to their corporate philanthropy and grant-giving, Starbucks encourages its employees to be involved in their communities; matching cash contributions in support of their partners’ efforts. Furthermore, Starbucks leadership makes business decisions in accord with their social values.

In conclusion, The Starbuck Experience, Dr Michelli uses that episode to illustrate the system Starbucks has in place to handle public relations issues. In the end, Starbucks was able to use the incident to its advantage by bringing attention to its philanthropic donations. And each one of us should apply on every each of the principles in order to become better worker.

Monday, 24 September 2012


The author of this book, Howard Gardner, as a researcher in psychology, has been exploring human minds for several decades. It is all about how to make full use of our minds to achieve organization’s objectives or life’s objectives.  According to this book, five minds for the future are disciplined mind, synthesizing mind, creating mind, respectful mind and ethical mind.

Sometimes, we encounter an analogous process at work. Individual seem like to bring their old habits or belief to new job. It could be better if we able to come out with new ideas based on the old experiences before as the mode of behavior is slightly or maybe much different in new place. There are four essential steps in achieving disciplined mind. First, we need to identify the important topics or concepts within the discipline. Spend a significant amount of time on this topic, studying all the related examples and mode of analysis. Next, approach the topic in a number of ways for better understanding. Finally, set up “performances of understanding” by giving opportunities to perform understandings under a variety of conditions.

The synthesizing mind means the ability to select all the relevant information from the couple of materials, arranging the information and present it in ways that make sense to self or to others. Synthesizing mind is important whether in work place or study as it prove our professionalism. The synthesis is the first step in turning the company around because it gets involved in strategy development of a company. At a minimum, synthesis contains a goal, a starting point, selection of strategy, method and approach, drafts and feedback.

Thinking outside the box is the crucial component of a creating mind. The aspiring creator needs a generous supply of intelligence, skill and discipline. They are not satisfied with the current work, current standards, current questions, and current answer. Normally a creator will have achieved skill in synthesis before they venture into new arena. They want something special and going beyond the existing knowledge and syntheses to pose new questions, offer new solutions, fashions works for better result. Creativity is not as simple as an achievement of an individual his/herself or a small group. It is the occasional emergent from the interaction of three elements, the individual his/herself, cultural domain in which an individual is working and the social field.

We were being taught to respect people since we are small and this is where the respectful mind taking place. Mix well among individual and among group, understand and working effectively with those who are different, colleagues, employee or supervisors. Concept of respect teach us to accept the differences, live with them rather than ignoring differences, being inflamed by them or seeking to annihilate through love or hate. The responsibility of encouraging or promoting respect among different group and displaying that respect publicly should be distributed across the society. A truly respectful people seem to enjoy the benefits of the good relationship with all human beings. They are also alert for changes in behaviours that will turn reinstate a feeling of respect toward that other individual.

Everybody would like to live in a world characterized by “good work”. Work may be good in the sense of being excellent in quality, being responsible and feeling good where it is engaging and meaningful, and provide sustenance even under circumstances. Ethical mind make sense in both workplace and home.  People will easily get influenced by peers or colleagues especially those are more knowledgeable, prestigious, and powerful. This is what we identify as horizontal support for good work. In the other hand, vertical support for good work can be found at home. Children observe their parents on making decisions about how to maintain a home. If their parents are also working, children definitely will know how their parents work and the working behaviors. There are four steps which we recognize as four Ms are important toward the achievement of good work. Firstly, mission where we need to specify what we are trying to achieve in our activities or life. Second, models by having exposure at least through test or media and seek advice from people that well in work. Third, conduct a mirror test on individual basis to make sure everything is running on the right track. Finally, mirror test on professional responsibility. We are responsible not only for we do but what we do not do.

As conclusion, five minds as discussing above are important toward better human being and crucial for the future. If we have hired an individual who proves deficient in one or more of these kinds of minds, take action now by make it clear that he/she needs to improve him/herself. Separate the person from the organization if nothing changes on him/her after the first reminder.


By Stephen R. Covey

            The 8th Habit shows you how to tap the limitless value – creation promise of the Knowledge Worker Age. It shows you how to solve the major contradictions inherent in organizational life-most of which are a carry over from the Industrial Age.
            This book is divided into two parts. The first focuses on “Finding Your Voice” and the second on “Inspiring Others to Find Their Voice”.

            The essence of this habit is that you will find your voice when you say you are 100% involved with what you are doing in your life, so that your body, mind, heart and spirit are all engaged in whatever is important to you. To find your voice, you need to examine your natural talent, what you absolutely love to do and what really interests you.
            Finding your voice is divided into two sub-topics. There are Discover Your Voice and Express Your Voice.

(i) Discover Your Voice
            Each individual is born with the potential to be great because of the three most important gifts:
1)    The freedom to choose – You have the power to direct your own life based on your own values.
2)    The natural laws or principles – These are universal, timeless, inarguable principles that transcend culture and geography. These principles include kindness, fairness and honesty.
3)    The four intelligences. These are mental intelligences, physical intelligences, emotional intelligences and spiritual intelligences.

(ii) Express Your Voice
            All great achieves have expanded their four innate human intelligences and capacities into:
1)    Vision – Seeing with your mind what is possible in yourself, in people, project, causes, endeavors and enterprises.
2)    Discipline – Commitment
3)    Passion – it is the fire or the drive that sustains the discipline to achieve the vision.
4)    Conscience – is the still, small voice within. It is quite. It is peaceful.

            When you have found your voice, you can begin inspiring others to do the same – this is really about leadership. Great leaders have always inspired people to be self aware, to find themselves and to find their voice – that is the essence of greatness. Leadership greatness is about 4 roles of leadership into 2 sub-topics. There are focus (Modeling and Pathfinding) and execution (Aligning and Empowering).

(i) Focus – Modeling and Pathfinding
            Modeling is the spirit and center of any leadership effort. Modeling has four important aspects. There are:

(A) The voice of influence - Be a trim tab
            A trim tab is a “rudder on the rudder” of a ship. It is what makes it easier to turn the rudder, and, in turn, easier and quicker to turn the ship.
            To be a trim-tab leader, you must take the initiative to extend your circle of influence no matter how small it may be. You must, however, be sensitive and wise while you take initiative. Practice perfect timing. Do not step on other peoples toes and not portray negativity.

(B) The Voice of Trustworthiness
            Trustworthiness is an important factor in any relationship-personal and professional. It is the glue that holds together a family and an organization. Trustworthiness comes from character and competence.

There are three aspect of character that builds trustworthiness:
1)    Intergrity: You incorporate principles and natural laws when dealing with people. You are honest and you keep promise made to yourself and to others.
2)    Maturity: You can deal with difficult issues with compassion.
3)    Abundance mentality: You see life as full opportunities. You don’t compare yourself with others and you are sincerely happy for other people’s success.

The three aspect of competence are:
1)    Technical competence: the skill and knowledge required to finish a task.
2)    Conceptual knowledge: the ability to see the big picture.
3)    Interdependency: the awareness that everything in life is interconnected.

(C) The Voice and the Speed of Trust
            Seeking to expand the circle of influence and inspiring others to find their voice means that you have to build strong relationships. The higher the trust one earns, the easier it would be for you to communicate with people.

(D) Blending Voice-Searching for 3rd Alternative
            The most important skill in life is communication and this can be broken down into four categories-reading, writing, speaking and listening. Of the four, listening represents 40 to 50 percent of communication time. Unfortunately, only a miniscule percentage of people have been trained formally on how to listen.

Below are 5 levels of listening:
  1. Ignoring
  2. Pretending to listen
  3. Selective listening
  4. Attentive listening
  5. Emphatic listening

Two steps to searching for a third alternative:
  1. You must be willing to search for a solution that is infinitely better than what all parties have proposed.
  2. You must agree to one simple ground rule-no one can make his or her point until they have restated the other person’s to his or her satisfaction.

Pathfinding is the toughest undertaking of all since you have to deal with many issues, personalities, agendas, levels of trust and egos. To fully comprehend and execute the pathfinding role, you must know and wrestle with 4 realities. You need to clarify these four realities before you can focus on where the organization is heading.

The four realities:
  1. Market realities
  2. Core competencies
  3. Stakeholder wants and needs
  4. Values

(ii) Execution – Aligning and Empowering

(A) The voice and the discipline of execution – aligning goals and systems for results
            Discipline is needed at this phase. You need to be able to align your structures, systems, processes and culture to be able to realize your vision. Aligning requires constant vigilance. It requires constant adjustments due to changes realities. Systems must be change to keep up with the times but must also be base on unchanging universal principle. One alignment tool that you can use is the Balance Score Card feedback system. This system can inform you if your strategy is still in-line with your mission, or you are still on track in meeting your goals.

(B) The empowering voice – releasing passion and talent
            Empowerment is the result of personal and organizational trustworthiness. It allows people to take control, manage and organize their live and careers. When people are empowered, the leader ceased to be the boss. He becomes a servant to the organization. It shows that the leader is not afraid of losing control. Rather, the leader is giving his people the power to take control of the things that directly affect them.

            As a review you must to remember what part each role plays and their importance:
  1. Modeling: inspired trust without expecting it.
  2. Pathfinding: creates order without demanding it.
  3. Aligning: produces institutionalized moral authority.
  4. Empowering: unleashes human potential without external motivation.

Modeling and pathfinding give you focus. Aligning and empowerment, on the other hand, make things happen.

            In conclusion, The 8th Habits gives you the key to understand and unleash both you own potential of the other people around you.  You must find your voice and inspire others to find theirs. Start by creating your own personal significance. After you have done so, inspire others to do so as well.

Review by :Zara Nur Arissa

Friday, 21 September 2012


Korang pernah dengar tak pepatah yang selalu orang kata cam "Tiada siapa pun yang dapat duga takdir", "Setiap yang pahit itu ada kemanisannya" atau "Setiap yang berlaku tu ada rahmatnya"...

Dulu time aq dengar orang cakap macam tu, aq diam je..paling-paling pun aq akan cakap..."Maybe..". Tapi kini, setelah mengalaminya. Aku setuju sangat dengan apa yang dikatakan itu.

Dulukan aku ada masalah dengan pegawai-pegawai di Bahagian A. Setiap masa mereka akan mencari kesalahan aku. Aku penat sangat nak lawan dengan mereka. Aku bertahan kat situ pun kerana adanya bos aku yang bagi aku baik (Handsome..hehe..). dia tidak terpengaruh dengan kata-kata fitnah dari mereka tu. Bila dia nampak aku cam stress je, dia akan panggil aku, berborak dengan aku. Dia akan tenangkan hati aku..(cair...hehe..). tapi sampai bila aku boleh tahan kan? Akhirnya aku mengalah. Aku nak berhenti keje. Kerana tak tahan dengan perangai-perangai mereka tu aku rasa benci sangat dengan jawatan PTD ni.. Aku rasa menyesal sangat time tu tima jawatan ni. Tapi nasib aku baik sebab bos aku ni jenis yang sangat memahami. Dia tak mahu masa depan aku terhenti sebab dia kata aku berbakat dalam bidang PTD ni. Dia pun tak setanding dengan aku. Walaupun dia cakap macam tu, aku tetap nak berhenti sampai aku merayu kat dia tolonglah tima perletakan jawatan aku. lastly, dia cadangkan aku tukar Bahagian. Dia akan cakap dengan bos besar. dia sanggup tanggung risiko tuk cakap dengan Dato'. atcually Dato' pun berkeras tak bagi aku keluar dari Bahagian tu. yelah kan kalo aku keluar dari Bahagian tu sapa lagi nak jadi kuli batak dia kan..Jadi akhirnya Bos aku  tanda tangan perakuan aku keluar dari Bahagian tu.
Aku tunggu dan terus menunggu..bila lah surat pertukaran aku nak keluar ni..hampir dua minggu aku menunggu barulah aku dapat tahu, pertukaran aku tak buat lagi sebab tiada kekosongan. jadi disebabkan aku tak tahan dan tak sabar-sabar nak keluar dari situ, aku cari sendiri kekosongan. Dan akhirnya aku dapat satu kekosongan di Bahagian B. Bos besar di Bahagian B tu sendiri panggil aku dan bersetuju tuk tima aku kat situ. Jadi aku maklumkan kat Bahagian HR tentang kekosongan tu. Tunggu punya tunggu, aku jadi pelik. Dah dua bulan, kenapa surat pertukaran aku tak dapat lagi. Jadi aku pun pushlah Bahagian Sumber Manusia. Push punya push, akhirnya aku dapat jugak surat pertukaran aku yang berkuatkuasa lagi seminggu dari hari yang aku dapat. Ok. Baca surat tu aku jadi hairan kerana aku ditempatkan di Bahagian C. Pelik dan Hairan...Tapi aku tak kisah sebab yang paling aku nantikan adalah untuk keluar dari Bahagian A tu....
Setelah beberapa bulan aku di Bahagian C ni..akhirnya terbongkarlah rahsia..Mereka kata mereka pohon pegawai dari HR tak sampai seminggu terus je dapat. Jadi aku dapat masuk Bahagian ni sebab mereka request dan pihak HR tanya Bahagian ni nak tak aku jadi pegawai kat situ? Dan Bos besar kat sini. Sudi tima. Dia tak kisah. Risik punya risik. Akhirnya aku dapat tahu satu berita yang sangat mengejutkan.

Bos besar di Bahagian B adalah kawan baik Bos aku. Dia dapat tahu dari bos aku yang aku ni bagus dan tiada masalah. Mereka selalu bercerita tentang hal keje masing-masing. Dan bos aku kata aku banyak cover keje dia. Jadi bila dapat tahu aku nak tukar dia rasa pelik. Jadi dia suruh staf dia cek la kenapa aku nak tukar Bahagian. Di sinilah puncanya kenapa aku tak pergi Bahagian B. Staf Bhgn B call pegawai di Bhgn A iaitu Cik A tuk cek punca aku keluar.  Si A nilah punca aku nak keluar dari situ. Sebabnya si A adalah Batu Api. Dia akan menokok tambah cerita-cerita fitnah yang disebarkan oleh tiga mangkuk ayun tu...Jadi apalagi..Dah diberi peluang untuk bercerita takkan dia nak lepaskan peluang.
Dengan penuh yakin dia cakap kat Staf B tu yang aku ni ada masalah dengan bos-bos kat situ. Aku ni besar kepala. Sebab tu aku nak keluar. Ok. Staf B tu percaya. Akhirnya Bos besar di B tak jadi nak tima aku then dia call HR mintak HR decide sendiri dan tempatkan aku kat Bahagian lain. dan takdir. serentak dengan tu, Bahagian C mintak tambahan pegawai. Di situlah bermulanya penerimaan aku di Bahagian C ni.

Mulanya aku marah dengan Bahagian A ni sebab menabur fitnah yang bukan-bukan kat aku. Aku nak keluar pun stil nak tabur fitnah ke? Bila dah lama aku di sini..Akhirnya aku rasa something yang aku tak pernah rasa selama ni. Aku rasa a normal life..sebelum ni aku takde masa tuk diri sendiri. Kehidupan aku antara rumah dan pejabat. Dan boleh dikatakan hari-hari aku bawak balik keje. Tapi kat sini, semua tu tak. Keje kat Bahagian sini tak seteruk sana sebab kat sini kejenya tak stress. Bos-bos kat sini tak mendesak nak semua keje cepat. Mereka bagi masa tuk kita buat. Dan yang paling ketara kat sini adalah "Keje sendiri manage sendiri. Tapi kalo perlukan bantuan. cakap. mereka akan bantu. Dan bantuan yang diberikan akan mengikut kehendak kita sebab kita adalah owner keje tu!!" Inilah yang aku nak sangat. Sebab kat A tu. Jangan haraplah.. Semua keje aku nak masuk campur pastu siap arahkan aku kena buat mcm mana. bila salah, tak nak tanggung. Aku kena tanggung sorang2. Takkan nak suruh kerani aku lak. Of couse la aku yang kena. Favourite ayat Bos besar aku kan.."Zara..everything u handle fail!!!enough!!! from now stop doing anything!!" or "Zara, u're officer right. Takkan itu pun I nak ajar. Fikirlah sikit. Use ur brain!!!!"....Sekarang ni semua tu dah tinggal kenangan...Serius..Kat Bahagian ni aku tak pernah kena tengking, herdik atau marah. Dua bulan awal aku kat sini, pergerakan keje aku slow sebab aku nak tengok dulu culture keje kat Bahagian ni. So far aku tengok biasa je. Tapi bila dah lama kat sini aku rasa best. Part yang paling aku terkejut bila bos aku suruh aku buat kertas kerja tuk diangkat kepada KSU. Aku tak berapa jelas dengn arahan dia aku buat tak tahu jer la. Aku ingatkan dia hanya berborak kosong sebab cara dia cakap kat aku macam berborak tapi tak sangka lak rupanya tu arahan. Then bila aku dipanggil oleh Bos besar tuk tanya status kertas keje tu, aku terpaksa jujur cakap aku tak buat apa-apa lagi sebab aku tak tahu. Dalam hati aku dah kecut. Confirm kena marah. Tapi tak..Dia kata takpe. Buat je lah dulu. Bila dah siap nanti bagi deraf kat dia, dia akan tambah apa yang patut. Aku tanya nak bila? Dia juz kata "Bila kamu dah siapkan."...Serius aku tergaman. Sebab kalo kat Bahagian A. Sure dah aku kena maki hamun. Bersyukur sangat....Aku ditempatkan di Bahagian ni. Dan kesyukuran aku jadi bertambah bila pegawai dari Bahagian B datang jumpa aku kat pejabat aku. Bercerita tentang nasib dia kat Bahagian tu. Dia rasa stress sesangat sampai dia nak berhenti keje. Bos-bos kat situ tak boleh hidup tanpa anak buahnya. Dia akan kerah tenaga anak buahnya habis-habisan sampai anak buahnya takde life lansung. Cuti pun tak dibenarkan. Aku yang mendengar hanya boleh bagi nasihat je. Tetiba aku teringat kehidupan aku di A. Macam tulah aku. Takde life dan selalu menangis. Sampai aku dah tak mampu tuk menangis lagi. Pegawai B tu ada cakap yang Bos Besar dia agak kecewa sikit sebab tolak aku dulu. Rugi tak tima aku masuk ke Bahagian tu.
Tapi kini, melihat nasib kawan aku macam tu. Aku rasa bersyukur. Aku ucapkan tima kasih dekat Si A yang batu api tu sebab kerana fitnah dia aku tidak ditempatkan di Bahagian tu. Syukur sangat. Kalau tidak mesti life aku tak berubah.
Jadi, kini aku kena sentiasa berfikiran positif kerana di sebalik kepahitan pasti akan ada kemanisan kerana Allah sentiasa menyayangi hamba-hamba Nya. Kita sebagai hamba kena sentiasa redha dan tabah menghadapi segala dugaannya. Jangan cepat menyerah kalah dan berputus asa kerana Allah tidak pernah membezakan hamba-hamba Nya.

Sama-samalah kita saling mengingati.....

Terima Kasih....

Tuesday, 11 September 2012


Ada sesiapa tak percaya pada naluri hati. Susah sikit sebenarnya nak percaya. tapi bila dah banyak kali terjadi. Terfikir lak. Adakah ini takdir atau kebetulan?

Friday, 7 September 2012

Leadership Smarts [2]

"Leadership is not something you do to people. It's something you do with people."

When you share your leadership strategy with your people, they not only understand what you have in mind but they give you helpful feedback. True servant leaders want feedback because they are anxious to know whether their interactions with their people are helpful and effective. So don't do leadership to people, do it with them.

: Ken Blanchard, Patricia Zigarmi and Drea Zigarmi